Why should I take this course?
Content Overview
Module "0"
This module provides a very simplified introduction to the basic physics of electric circuits. This is not a rigorous treatment; it is meant to help students make a physical sense of the concepts of electric potentials and currents.
Module 1
- Passive circuit elements: Ohm’s Law, Resistance and Conductance
- Power & Passive Sign Convention
- Nodes, Branches and Loops / Series and shunt elements
- Active circuit elements: Voltage and Current sources
Module 2
- Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)
- Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)
- Resistors in series and parallel
- Voltage and Current dividers
Module 3
This module provides comprehensive treatment of 'Nodal Analysis'.
The module features numerous original examples, encompassing almost every possible scenario that a student may encounter when applying this technique.
Module 4
This module provides a comprehensive treatment of 'Mesh Analysis'.
The module features numerous original examples, encompassing almost every possible scenario that a student may encounter when applying this technique.
Module 5
- Superposition
- Equivalent Circuits: Thevenin's & Norton's Theorems
- Source Transformation
Module 6
Capacitors and inductors:
- Physical operation
- Voltage-current relationships
- Calculation of the energy that they can store
- How to combine them in series and parallel
- The use of capacitors in touch screen technology
- R-C and RL circuits
Module 7
- Properties and analytical representation of sinusoidal signals
- Response of passive circuit elements to sinusoidal stimuli
- Voltage and Current Phasors
- Impedance
- Circuit Analysis in the Frequency Domain
- Introduction to Transfer Function and Frequency Response
Module 8
- Low-pass Filters (R-C, L-R)
- High-pass Filters (C-R, R-L)
- Bandpass Filters (Series R-L-C)
- Bandstop Filters (Parallel R-L-C)
- Order of passive filters
- Transmission zeros
Learning Objectives